Thursday 14 March 2013


We all love search engines, and lets face it google plays a major part in everybody's life. Whether it is your home page or your access to the infinite world of information, it is now one if the dominating forces in the world. However, there is one frustrating thing about search engines, you have to spend the time to find information that is actually useful.

As life gets more complicated and busy, none of us have time to spend hours on end looking for that piece of information that is going to solve our current problem.

In university, countless hours are spent researching very specific topics, and when you find that piece of information you're looking for, it's time for celebration.

search:easy is not trying to compete with Google, nor is it just another "social network". search:easy is an active database search which is made from, and for its users.

The idea is simple. Users upload their research "strings" (their path of research and the best information they found) and relate it to a few certain keywords. The "strings" are then rated and their popularity determines their search ranking.

search:easy would make it even easier to find whatever it is we are looking for, saving a whole lot of wasted time. All the related links would stay within the search sites URL enabling search:easy to be basically the only website you would need.

Has this been done?
If not, what do you think?

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